HH Class B 2 Shelf Kit stocked


SKU: 220975

ANSI Class B, 2 Shelf, First Aid Station

    • ANSI 2015 Class B and OSHA compliant
    • Comprehensive fill of exceptional quality
    • Convenient and versatile
    • Economically priced
    • Strong metal cabinet, 2 shelf, 14-7/8" x 10" x 4-5/8"


    1 1009 Adhesive Bandage, HART, Sheer Strips 1" x 3", 50 per box
    1 1072 Adhesive Bandage, LiteFlex, HART, light woven flexible fabric, fingertip, 40 per box
    1 1074 Adhesive Bandage, LiteFlex, HART, light woven flexible fabric, knuckle, 40 per box
    1 0511 Ammonia Inhalants, HART, 10 pads per unit box
    1 5521 Aspirin, HART, pain reliever, 325 mg, 50/2's (100 total tablets) per box
    1 2302 BloodBlocker, HART, trauma dressing, sterile, each
    2 2910 Burn Dressing, Sooth-a-Burn, HART, 4" x 4", each
    1 2729 Burn Spray, HART, with aloe, 2 ounce pump, each
    6 5343 Burn Gel, Sooth-a-Burn, HART, minor burn relief, 3.5 gm packet
    1 5561 Cetafen®, HART, acetaminophen 325 mg, 50/2's (100 total tablets) per box
    1 1561 Cohere-Wrap, HART, self-adherent, tan, 2" x 5 yards, each
    4 2306 Combine ABD Pad, HART, abdominal/pressure pad, sterile, 5" x 9", each
    1 1159 Cotton Swabs, single tip, non-sterile, 25 per vial
    1 2955 CPR Face Shield, HART, with one-way valve, single use
    1 4730 Eye Clean, HART, eye wash, 4 ounce, each
    2 0270 Eye Pad, absorbent pad, sterile
    1 0594 First Aid and CPR Guide, ANSI, booklet, each
    1 2717 First Aid Spray, HART, antiseptic, 2 ounce pump, each
    1 7309 Forceps, splinter, plastic, disposable tweezers, each
    1 1853 Gauze Pads, HART, sterile, 3" x 3", 25 pads per box
    1 0586 Gloves, nitrile, non-sterile, 2 pair per box
    1 7718 Gloves, vinyl, non-sterile, 2 pair per bag
    20 0436 Hand Sanitizer, 0.9 gm packet
    1 1356 Padded Splint, HART, radiolucent, 4" x 36", rolled
    2 2930 Quick-Ice, HART, instant cold compress, 5" x 6", each
    1 2925 Rescue Blanket, HART, Mylar, reflective, 56" x 84", each
    1 7343 Scissors, bandage, 4-1/2", each
    2 1745 Sof-Adhere, HART, gauze roll, sterile, 2" x 4.1 yards, each
    1 1747 Sof-Adhere, HART, gauze roll, sterile, 4" x 4.1 yards, each
    1 2993 Tourniquet, with locking windlass
    1 1211 Tri-Cut Tape, HART, adhesive tape, 2" x 5 yards spool, each
    2 2396 Triangular Bandages, HART, non-woven, with pins, each
    1 5482 Tribiotic, HART, triple antibiotic ointment, 0.9 gm, 25 packets per box
    1 6197 Wound Wipes, HART, BZK, antibacterial, 20 wipes per box